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Community Outreach Programs – Adams County Sheriff's Office

Community Outreach Programs

National Child Passenger Safety Program- The department has seven nationally certified CPS Technicians who are trained safety professionals. CPS Technicians have one thing in common: they care deeply about the kids and want to make sure they’re safe. We put their knowledge to work by conducting child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive hands-on assistance for proper use of child restraint systems and safety belts. They also offer education, support and guidance. The U.S. CPS certification is widely considered to be the gold standard across the globe.

Grade Results- Provides online courses and a comprehensive set of credit recovery, credit acceleration, remediation, alternative and special education services to public, private, charter and alternative school, as well as community college and universities. Adams County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Grade Results, Adams County Youth Court, MDOC Probation and Parole and the Miss-Lou Community to enroll students who are at risked, behind in the course of studies or those who want to be home schooled. Grade Results will accepts students ages 12-22.

Community Food Projects- The Adams County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with several organizations to assist the vulnerable population in the Miss-Lou area with food, water and personal healthcare products that are made available to the general public to increase food security, reduce hunger by providing access to healthy food and personal care in a way that supports the moral and ethical principles of the Adams County Sheriff’s Office.

Men and Women Self-Defense Training- The men and women self-defense training goal is to prevent crime and save lives. We seek to provide people with the tools, knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. We dispel fear by instilling confidence and encourage every individual to the their own “first response” in times of crisis. Our purpose is to give them skills needed to protect their mind, body and soul from being violated by those who seek him or her harm.

Junior Cadet Program- The goal of the Junior Cadet Academy is to train the youth of our county in a manner that will promote strong, patriotic, law-abiding citizens that possess good moral character, integrity, trustworthiness and the desire to perform good deeds for others. This is accomplished by providing the knowledge and skills that is learned as each student progresses through the program. Each cadet is given the opportunity to see what they can accomplish for themselves, with the assistance and coaching by others that know how to complete a specific goal.

School Resource Program- The School Resource Program is a nationally accepted program involving the placement of a certified law enforcement officer within the educational environment on several different levels. This department provides one school resource officer(SRO) at the local High School campus. The partnership between the Natchez-Adams School District and the department allows the SRO to work closely with the school administration to provide a safe learning environment, law related education and the expertise of a trained law enforcement officer on campus. Goals of the SRO program include: teaching crime prevention, increasing positive attitudes toward law enforcement, reducing juvenile crime and promoting respect for people and property.

Citizens Academy- The department’s Citizens Academy is an informative process that provides an opportunity for citizens to receive both classroom and field instruction regarding the carious responsibilities facing our deputies.

National Night Out Program- A community engagement program that is held each year. The program is a national event and involves the Sheriff’s Office membership and participation. It is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, to strengthen neighborhood unity and police-community partnerships and send a message to criminals letting them know that our neighborhoods re organized and fighting back.

Neighborhood Watch Program- Neighborhood Watch is a program aimed at reducing crime in the community. It involves getting to know one’s neighbor and introducing them to the concept of Neighborhood Watch-that is, good neighbors working together, alert to the potential of crime and willing to look out for another’s interests. Neighbors working together Neighborhood Watch can combat crime in their area the most effective way-before it starts. Through active participation of citizens in crime prevention. Neighborhood Watch provides a means of reducing the opportunity for crime to occur. Citizens are taught how to make their homes less inviting as target for thieves; how to participate in Operation Identification, making their personal property less desirable to burglars and how to alert to suspicious activity in their neighborhood.

Re-Entry Jobs and Resource Fair-This Job and Resource Fair is an opportunity to bring job seekers with background issues, a history of unemployment, ex-offenders, homeless individuals and/or those with other issues in direct contact with employers and service provides that are aware of their status and are willing to give them an opportunity to show that they can become productive members of the community. Individuals are also provided brief legal service and advice in the areas of expungement, child support, licensing and reinstatement.

American Cancer Society Relay For Life- An annual community-based fundraising event whose mission is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidences of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caretakers.

Toys For Tots- ACSO partnered with the “Word Church” of Vicksburg, MS and the Marine Corp to collect new unwrapped toys (gifts) to distribute to kids ages 2-16 years of age and send a message of hope to those who may be struggling financially.

Project Child Safe- A nationally recognized community gun safety program that advocate and help share firearm safety messages and resources. Through this program we are able to receive Firearm Safety Kits which include a gun lock and safety education brochure.

Active Shooters Class- Officers provided training to area Churches and individuals to act, rather than react to an active shooter. It is designed to prepare personnel and/or individuals for “active shooter” situations by providing information on how they can occur and how they may be more effectively prevented. This class will review facts and history, prevention strategies, preparedness and what to do if an “active shooter” incident happens.

Wayne Rabb Memorial Rodeo- Annual competitor and spectator event hosted by the Adams County Sheriff’s Office. Professionals from across the United States compete in calf roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc, bull riding and barrel racing. This rodeo offers western-themed entertainment at intermission, including music and novelty acts suck as trick riding.

Special Olympics- ACSO is a partner with Special Olympics Mississippi to help promote social inclusion through shared sports training and competition experiences. This movement joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It is inspired by the simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding.

Red Nose Day- A national campaign to end child poverty by purchasing a “Red Nose” to help fund programs that keep children safe, healthy, educated and empowered. We bring area schools and county offices together to participate in ACSO Red Nose videos/pictures to laugh and have fun, all while bringing awareness to child poverty and raising funds one nose at a time.